
Building a Pyramid Pg.82

  1. a) When split the block the builders had to use wedges so they can be two parts at lest. b) To move the blocks from a place they had use ramps and rollers which are incline plane and wheel.
    c) The ramps and rollers were used to place the blocks in place .
  2. a) Friction was reduced when the blocks had be moving by the simple machines since the force was reduced when using a simple machine then by your body force. b) After the pyramids were built by 700 years people invented the pully
  3. At a new post
  4. Some example of wedge would be : Ax, Knife, Nail Cutter and Scissors. Some examples for ramps that are used today are: ramps that are added at the end of a pulling car, hills, and escalators.

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