
THE digestive system pancreas

The Digestive System


1. Mechanical digestion

- Making food into smaller pieces –easier to digest

2. Saliva

- Chemical digestion – carbohydrates- sugar

Amylase – bread ,rice

Slimes food –slide down the esophagus


Squeezes your food down to stomach


1. Mechanical digestion churning food

2. Stores food

3. Chemically digest protein /meat

-Makes acid to help break apart meat / meat

- Enzyme pepsin ( breaks the meat apart)

Small intestine

Fats- bile from liver / enzyme lipase

Protein – finished begin digested-pepsin

Carbohydrates – finish being digested enzyme amylase

Digested food- protein, carbohydrates, fats go in your blood.


1. Makes all of your digestive enzymes that go into the small intestine

2. Makes insulin – which cause your cell to suck up the sugar in your blood.


1. Makes bile which goes to the small intestine help digest fat

2. Filters your blood

Large intestine(colon)

1. Stores undigested waste food

2. Absorbs water

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