
Question for experiment with ststic electricty

A) This a repulsive force because the arrows are point away from each other, and the other reason is that the q’s are both positive.
B) The arrows attract each other because one of the q’s is positive and the other is negative.
C) Both negatives repeal each other.
D)The result is that the they will attract


Ueses and Example of static electricity

Static electricity means electricity at rest, in contrast to current electricity. It takes approximately 3,000 volts of static electricity for you to feel the smallest bang. The effects of static electricity are you can feeling a shock .This means that static electricity is generated by two things together. Some examples of static electricity is when rubbing plastic with some thing that is made out of anything that gets rid of their electrons.


Body Building Question

1. Some muscles pull and some other pushes
2. When the one muscle contracts the opposite muscle gets longer and rest.
3. The model is accurate is the movement of the muscle
4.the bones are not correct



Asthma bronchiale (or simply Asthma) is a common disease that makes it hard for people to breathe. Attacks happen when the tubes that go to the lungs get irritated. They then become tight and inflamed. This makes the tubes thinner than it should be, which makes it harder to get air into the lungs. This is called an "asthma attack". Sometimes attention from the hospital is needed. When a person is having an asthma attack usually they will wheeze, breathe more frequently, and sometimes cough. Asthma attacks can be caused by many things like exercise, cold air, allergies, and inhaling certain chemicals.Asthma attacks are most commonly caused by the airways reacting to so-triggers. Many people show allergic reactions to things like asprine or the hair of certain pets. A good thing to do to reduce the risk and level of the asthma attack is to identify those triggers and remove them from the environment of the person suffering from asthma.Some asthma attacks can be dangerous. The worst-case scenario, known as status asthmatic us, can be life-threatening.Asthma can be controlled most often by avoiding contact with triggers and by using certain drugs.


Respriratory system

Question 2
Pharynx- larynx- trachea-bronchi-bronchioles-alveoli
Question 3
Question 4
hairs in your nasal cavity that push the dirt into nose (booger) hairs are called clia
Question 5
a) Bronchioles
d) Alveoli
e) Epiglottis
j) Tidal Volume
Question 7


Smoking destroys your lungs with three kinds of addicting Grots.Nicotine is an addictive drug that makes the heart beat faster, narrows the arteries , so it causes high blood pressure. This leads to heart disease. Tar coats the lining of lungs making them less able to inhale oxygen and also can cancer. There are many poisonous gas which joins up with the blood cells making them incapable of transporting oxygen around body such as carbon monoxide. Some reasons not to smoke is because it cause mouth and throat cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, heart disease and Emphysema.


unhealthy and healthy food

Unhealthy food is food that has a lots of calories and striated fats that are animal fats .healthy food is food that contains good amount of fats
Empty calorie foods:
Foods described as 'empty-calorie' contain a very low nutrient/calorie ratio. Meaning, they have very few nutrients like vitamins and minerals when compared to their calorie level.

Empty calorie foods are NOT a good option when following a calorie-controlled weight loss diet. The fewer the calories, the more important it is to eat nutrient-dense foods.

Mouth Job

the mouth job is to be able to shew the food and divide them into smaller pieces and also starts to digest carbohydrates

THE digestive system pancreas

The Digestive System


1. Mechanical digestion

- Making food into smaller pieces –easier to digest

2. Saliva

- Chemical digestion – carbohydrates- sugar

Amylase – bread ,rice

Slimes food –slide down the esophagus


Squeezes your food down to stomach


1. Mechanical digestion churning food

2. Stores food

3. Chemically digest protein /meat

-Makes acid to help break apart meat / meat

- Enzyme pepsin ( breaks the meat apart)

Small intestine

Fats- bile from liver / enzyme lipase

Protein – finished begin digested-pepsin

Carbohydrates – finish being digested enzyme amylase

Digested food- protein, carbohydrates, fats go in your blood.


1. Makes all of your digestive enzymes that go into the small intestine

2. Makes insulin – which cause your cell to suck up the sugar in your blood.


1. Makes bile which goes to the small intestine help digest fat

2. Filters your blood

Large intestine(colon)

1. Stores undigested waste food

2. Absorbs water

myp grade

i think i will get a six in my grade in the reports or 5 this depends on my essay grade. This grade i am not satisfied with it but next time i will work hard on my tests,lap,and essays to be able to get a 6 or a 7


The Differences between " Space newton's law" & "Brain pop Newton's law"

The issue that is discussed is the differences between the different types of movies, that both describes the Newton's law and how is it used. The similarity between the 2 scientific the movies is making an opening with the background of Newton's life when he discovered the 3 different laws.



question 3 on page 82

Building a Pyramid Pg.82

  1. a) When split the block the builders had to use wedges so they can be two parts at lest. b) To move the blocks from a place they had use ramps and rollers which are incline plane and wheel.
    c) The ramps and rollers were used to place the blocks in place .
  2. a) Friction was reduced when the blocks had be moving by the simple machines since the force was reduced when using a simple machine then by your body force. b) After the pyramids were built by 700 years people invented the pully
  3. At a new post
  4. Some example of wedge would be : Ax, Knife, Nail Cutter and Scissors. Some examples for ramps that are used today are: ramps that are added at the end of a pulling car, hills, and escalators.


Pg. 81 Answers

  1. Ropes and pulley wheels are needed when doing a pulley system.
  2. Some of the reasons that the mechanic will find the pulley a good machine to help left the car engine since he will be using less force to pull up the car engine . Another reason is that it is easier to left the car engine because it is supported by the ropes and the wight of the person pulling it.
  3. The chain runs over the small / large cog wheel at the back so that one turn of the crank turn the back wheel. The cycle's gear changes the number of times that one turn of crankshaft turns the back wheel.
  4. The difference between low gear and high gear is that the low gear you ride with it when climbing a hill and the with every paddle the back wheel moves one than once while the high gear is when you ride with it


Work and machines p. 80

Questions 1-4

1.a) What is meant by "Doing work" is using a force to move an object.

b) A machine is anything which makes it easier to do work.

2.a) When pushing a mower you are doing work since you are pushing something , doing a movement and using force with some distance.
b) Using some force and distance you are doing work while brushing your teeth
c) In cycling you are doing work since your leg has to paddle and move then it is part of work.
d) Reading page it not work , the only thing that i have to do to read this page is look at it with my eyes.
3.When we work we use up energy which is given to us be food.
4. Spanners , Pliers and can openers are meachines because all of then has the action of a lever in it.

From times immemorial, man has used machines to help him in his work. Today, we are dependent on machine for almost every task. When we think of machines we always tend to think of big and complicated units with many moving parts like wheels and rollers and gears and shafts. A bicycle is a machine which is used to gain speed. We gain speed by exerting additional force. When we try to ride a bicycle up a steep hill, we soon realize that we gain speed by applying greater force. It is impossible to multiply both the force and gain the speed at the same time.



A force is a pull or a push some examples of forces are gravity, friction , electrostatic and nuclear force. Newtons is the measurement that is used to measure force. Force's formula is :
force= mass x acceleration.